
Here you will find abundant resources that will encourage you in your Christian walk with Jesus.

Adult Sabbath School Join one of our adult Sabbath school lesson study
groups. Every week small groups get together to share what they learned
from the lesson and how it has made a difference in their lives.
Pathfinder Club The Pathfinder Club is part of a world-wide co-ed scouti ng
type organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Juniors
and teens in grades 5-12 of any religion, or none at all, are welcomed and
encouraged to join this ministry.
Womens Ministries Women's Ministries provides the opportu  n ity f or
women to grow spiritually and socially through a network of supp ort groups
active in the church.
Youth Ministries Youth Ministries provides support and encouragement for
young people at what can be a most critical part of their Christian experience.




Related Information

Sabbath School